Resilience – the pathway to engagement, health and well-being

Welcome to Insync Consulting where resilience matters.

We teach evidence-based strategies that positively impact your capacity to engage in challenge and change with hope, health and well-being. By ensuring that resilience matters in the workplace, your organisation will thrive.

The Three Dimensions of Resilience which create well-being:

  • Mental Clarity
  • Emotional Buoyancy
  • Social Connection


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Clients we've worked with

Why Resilience?

The world of work is rapidly changing and the workforce is being impacted as it struggles to sustain business performance in a fast-paced environment.

What we are seeing is


There is increased psychological distress

Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder

Churn and burnout is endemic and is the death of innovation and creativity

Workplace Programs with Merryl Semple

I provide evidence-based, practical, sustainable solutions for revitalised workforce engagement, hope, health and well-being.

The programs on offer will build personal and professional resilience capacity. By ensuring that resilience matters in the workplace, your organisation will thrive through challenge and change.



Resilience Matters


An introduction to the power and promise of resilience


Resilience for Well-Being


A program that develops personal and professional strategies for building resilience


Resilience through Change


A program for leaders to improve team performance, engagement and well-being


What people are saying

"Merryl's coaching has transformed my work-life balance and brought peace back into my world, both personally and professionally."

Business Coach

"I have learned not to compromise on strategy, structure and peopleas key enablers."

GM Finance FMCG Sector (ASX Top 100)


Hello I’m Merryl

I am the founder of Insync Consulting and am a speaker, executive coach and facilitator with more than 20 years experience in leadership development.

My programs and services add value to performance, engagement and workplace culture.

I am is passionate about building personal and professional resilience in the workplace, enabling leaders to be composed under pressure, achieve mental clarity and connection, and for teams to enhance collaboration and creativity.

Let’s work together!


I know what it means to feel out of sync and seek more fulfillment out of life. I can share the findings of science that can support you in making the changes for greater engagement with life.

Want to take your understanding to the next level?


Let's talk